Tiger Woods can play his way out of sex mess the way Kobe, A-Rod moved past scandals

Veronica Siwik-Daniels, who performs under the name Joslyn James, is one of the women linked to Tiger Woods. FOR MORE PICS OF TIGER WOODS' ALLEGED MISTRESSES, CLICK IMAGE.
Veronica Siwik-Daniels, who performs under the name Joslyn James, is one of the women linked to Tiger Woods. FOR MORE PICS OF TIGER WOODS' ALLEGED MISTRESSES, CLICK IMAGE.

Now sponsors take their first small step back from Tiger Woods, Bloomberg News reporting Tuesday that advertisements featuring him, at least on prime-time broadcast television, are as hard to find right now as Tiger himself is.
Porn star Holly Sampson is also linked to Tiger Woods. FOR MORE PICS OF HOLLY SAMPSON, CLICK IMAGE.

Porn star Holly Sampson is also linked to Tiger Woods. FOR MORE PICS OF HOLLY SAMPSON, CLICK IMAGE.

This is completely predictable when it involves a guy who has been a masterpiece of marketing the way Woods has. The sponsors all say they'll stand by their man. For now. But you never know. Some of them may turn out to be as fickle as, well, Tiger and his alleged girlfriends seem to be.

So it continues for this guy, 12 days that must feel like that disaster movie "2012." And you wonder now when this is over.

Tiger Woods competes at the BMW Championship in September. When he gets back on the golf course, though, is anyone's guess.
Tiger Woods competes at the BMW Championship in September. When he gets back on the golf course, though, is anyone's guess.

You want this to be over now.

Nobody came into this looking to get Tiger Woods, and now it doesn't matter, anyway, he did a good enough job on himself. And nobody ought to feel betrayed. If you thought you knew the "real" Tiger, then you just bought into the Tiger he was selling, the one he wanted us to buy.

I never thought he was some fascinating character when he didn't have a golf club in his hands. I never thought Michael Jordan - and doesn't it seem as if athletes of a certain age still want to be like Mike, in all ways? - was a fascinating character when he wasn't making big baskets.

But this is how fast we find out about celebrities, and not just sports celebrities. It has been less than two weeks since Woods' SUV hit a fire hydrant and a tree outside his Florida home.

Where are we now with the women who say they were with him? Eight? Is that some kind of record number for married athletes or rock stars or movie stars or politicians? Not even close.

Is this is a drug and alcohol story at heart? No one knows that, either. But it sure looks as if it started that way, unless you've got a better explanation about how the most famous man on the planet this side of Barack Obama ended up snoring in the street at 2:30 in the morning after a one-car accident that has now turned into a train wreck.

Some people look at his behavior with other women as reckless. But you know what? An awful lot of young guys just think Tiger is livin' their idea of the dream. Beautiful wife at home, and then all the babes he wants, from here to Australia.

Woods opened the door after Thanksgiving by walking out the door and getting behind the wheel in what sure seems to be some kind of altered state, and making himself part of the public record. Then the other women turned into a conga line and now one of the most famous people on the planet is the most famous punch line.

read more at - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/12/09/2009-12-09_woods_stuck_in_a_trap_of_his_own_making_but_he_can_claw_way_back.html


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